Professor%20David%20Norbrook: List of publications

Showing 1 to 15 of 15 publications
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The Works of Lucy Hutchinson, vol 2: Religious Prose

Lucy Hutchinson

Memoirs and Oblivion: Lucy Hutchinson and the Restoration


The Works of Lucy Hutchinson, vol 1: the Translation of Lucretius

Milton, Lucy Hutchinson, and the Lucretian Sublime

Bards and Republicans: Marvell’s ’Horatian Ode’ and the Wars of the Three Kingdoms

Lucretius and Seventeenth-Century Political Culture

Milton’s Lucretius and Interregnum Anti-Augustanism

On Untimeliness

The Politics of Epicureanism in the Mid-Seventeenth Century

The Politics of Mid-17th-ccentury Materialism: Lucretius in England

The Politics of Mid-17th-ccentury Materialism: Lucretius in England

Translating LucretiusL The Politics of Materialism in the Seventeenth Century

Translation and Contagion: Lucy Hutchinson’s Lucretius