Dr%20Marion%20Turner: List of publications

Showing 1 to 16 of 16 publications
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Chaucer A European Life

Unlocked doors: Geoffrey Chaucer's writing rooms and Elizabeth Chaucer's nunnery


Illness Narratives in the Later Middle Ages: Arderne, Chaucer, and Hoccleve

A Handbook of Middle English Studies

Imagining Polities: Social Possibilities and Conflict

Thomas Usk and John Arderne

Writing Revolution


'Usk and the Goldsmiths'

Chaucerian Conflict Languages of Antagonism in Late Fourteenth-Century London

Greater London

Politics and London Life

The Carnivalesque

Troilus and Criseyde and the Treasonous Aldermen of 1382: Tales of the City in Late Fourteenth Century London

“Certaynly His Noble Sayenges Can I Not Amende”: Thomas Usk and Troilus and Criseyde