Dr%20Beatrice%20Groves: List of publications

Showing 1 to 23 of 23 publications
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Edified by the Margent: early modern readings of biblical marginalia

Transposed appetites: Mary of Jerusalem’s cannibalism in post-Reformation narratives

Early modern tragedy and the Mystery plays: New material evidence

"The ears of profiting:” Listening to Falstaff’s Biblical Quotations

England’s Jerusalem in Shakespeare’s Henriad

Literary Allusion in Harry Potter

The salvation of my oath': Contractual Relationships and the Operation of Grace in Middleton's The Revenger's Tragedy

Christ’s tears over Jerusalem and maternal cannibalism in early modern London

The Siege of Jerusalem and subversive rhetoric in King John

The Morality of Milk: Shakespeare and the Ethics of Nursing

Heraldic Language and Identity in Shakespeare’s Plays

‘One man at one time may be in two placys?’: Jack Juggler, proverbial wisdom and eucharistic satire

Pilgrimage in Paradise Lost

Urban Identity and the Old Jewry in Jonson’s Every Man in his Humour

”Those sanctified places where our Sauiours feete had trode”: Jerusalem in Early Modern English Travel Narratives

”They repented at the preaching of Ionas: and beholde, a greater than Ionas is here”: A Looking Glass for London and England, Hosea and the Destruction of Jerusalem

Laughter in the Time of Plague: A Context for the Unstable Style of Nashe's 'Christ's Tears over Jerusalem'

The Redcrosse Knight and the George

’The Complaynt of the Lover of Cryst’ 1520

Shakespeare’s Sonnets and Genevan marginalia

Now wole I a newe game begynne”: Staging suffering in King Lear, the mystery plays and Hugo Grotius’s Christus Patiens

Texts and Traditions Religion in Shakespeare 1592 - 1604