Thesis title: Early modern architectural imaginations, 1590-1630
Supervisor: Katie Murphy
Research interests
Lancelot Andrewes, Robert Burton; early modern religion, medicine and architecture
‘“All these unimportant details”: John Ashbery at home’, English, Volume 72, Issue 279, Winter 2023, pp. 165–86
‘The Senses of Sight in Lancelot Andrewes’ Sermons’, Renaissance and Reformation / Renaissance et Réforme, Volume 44, Number 4, Autumn 2021, pp. 139–71
‘“The Most Obstinate Belief”: John Wesley, Hypochondria and Faith’, Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society, Volume 63, Part 1, Spring 2021, pp. 18–21
Conference papers
'Donne, Andrewes and the architecture of devotion', Rethinking Devotional Works and Practices, Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Clermont-Ferrand, 5 April 2024
‘Inside the grotesque: Building Christ’s figure in early modern preaching’, Itineraries of the Grotesque across Early Modern Texts and Images, Magdalen College, Oxford, 28 September 2023
‘Rome as negative space in early modern preaching’, Catholicism, Literature, and the Arts III: The Poetics of Liturgy and Place, University of Notre Dame, London, 13 July 2022
‘Robert Burton’s circulating intellect’, Manufacture: UCL Graduate Conference, UCL, London, 10 June 2022