Professor%20Matthew%20Bevis: List of publications

Showing 1 to 40 of 40 publications
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Wordsworth's Fun

Poetry by numbers

'It wants to go to bed with us' [on John Ashbery's well spent youth]

Unknowing Lyric

Crotchet Castle

Edward Lear and the Play of Poetry

Falling for Edward Lear

Supping on Horrors [on Thomas De Quincey]

What Most I Love I Bite

'The lighthouse stares back' [on Elizabeth Bishop]

'I can bite anything I want' [on Lewis Carroll]

'Damn the Respectable' [on Edward Thomas]

The Funny Thing about Trees

Eliot Among The Comedians

‘Hardy’s Imperfections’

Life Lessons from Byron

'Metropolitan Miscreants' [on nineteenth-century London]

Dickens by the Clock

Edward Lear's Lines of Flight

The Oxford Handbook of Victorian Poetry

Comedy: A Very Short Introduction

'Kids Gone Rotten' [on Treasure Island]

Wordsworth's Folly

Byron's Feet

Wordsworth at Play

The Art of Eloquence Byron, Dickens, Tennyson, Joyce

Tennyson's Humour

‘Deleecious’ [on Hazlitt]

Joyce's Love Letters

Some Versions of Empson


Fighting Talk: Victorian War Poetry



Tennyson’s “Roses on the Terrace”: A New Manuscript

Tennyson, Ireland, and "The Powers of Speech"

Dickens in Public

The Review of English Studies Prize Essay: Temporizing Dickens

Ruskin, Bright, and the Politics of Eloquence

'It is still mañana', [on Robert Frost]