Professor Deborah Cameron: List of publications

Showing 1 to 51 of 51 publications
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Language and gender: mainstreaming and the persistence of patriarchy

Physical examinations via video? Qualitative study of video examinations in heart failure, using conversation analysis

Physical examinations via video? Qualitative study of video examinations in heart failure, using conversation analysis (Preprint)

Constructing women's 'different voice': Gendered mediation in the 2015 UK General Election

Do Men and Women Talk Differently?

Feminism A Brief Introduction to the Ideas, Debates, and Politics of the Movement

Technology-Enhanced Consultations in Diabetes, Cancer, and Heart Failure: Protocol for the Qualitative Analysis of Remote Consultations (QuARC) Project (Preprint)

Technology-Enhanced Consultations in Diabetes, Cancer, and Heart Failure: Protocol for the Qualitative Analysis of Remote Consultations (QuARC) Project.

Feminism Ideas in Profile

Socialism, multilingualism and language policy

Gender, Power and Political Speech

Language, creativity and the politics of value

Evolution, language and the battle of the sexes


The linguistic representation of sexual violence in conflict situations

Gender and Language Ideologies

Working with Written Discourse

More Heat than Light?

The one, the many and the Other: representing mono- and multilingualism in post-9/11 verbal hygiene

On Language and Sexual Politics

Verbal Hygiene

Evolution, Science and the Study of Literature: A Critical Response

How may I help you? Questions, control and cutomer care in telephone call centre talk

Sex/gender, language and the new biologism

The Trouble and Strife Reader

Language, Gender and Sexuality

The Virtues of Good Prose: Verbal Hygiene and the Movement

Theoretical Issues for the Study of Gender and Spoken Interaction

Issues of Gender in Modern English

The Myth of Mars and Venus: Do men and women really speak different languages?

The Language and Sexuality Reader

Keynote Talk

The Words Between the Spaces Buildings and Language

Language and Sexuality

Globalization and Language Teaching

Working with Spoken Discourse

Good to Talk? Living and Working in a Communication Culture

The Feminist Critique of Language A Reader

Researching Language Issues of Power and Method

Analysing Conversation Rules and Units in the Structure of Talk

The Lust to Kill A Feminist Investigation of Sexual Murder

Banter, male bonding and the language of Donald Trump

Delivered talks to academic audiences

Evolution, language and the battle of the sexes

Invited plenary speaker

Invited plenary speaker

Invited speaker, panel on gender mainstreaming

Keynote Talk

Language and the problem of women's authority

Panel on the socialinguistics of sexuality

The gender respect gap