Dr Elizabeth Solopova: List of publications

Showing 1 to 49 of 49 publications
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From the Vulgate to the Vernacular: Four Debates on an English Question c. 1450

Edited by:
SOLOPOVA, E, Catto, J, Hudson, A

From Bede to Wyclif: The Knowledge of Old English within the Context of Late Middle English Biblical Translation and Beyond

Solopova E

Index of Manuscripts of the Wycliffite Bible

Solopova E

Index of Names, Places, and Texts

Solopova E

Select Bibliography

Solopova E

The Latin Text

Solopova E, Hudson A

The Manuscript Tradition

Solopova E


Solopova E

Introduction: New directions in research on the first english bible

Solopova E

The wycliffite psalms

Sutherland A

The Wycliffite Bible: Origin, History and Interpretation

Solopova E

Manuscripts of the Wycliffite Bible in the Bodleian and Oxford College Libraries

Solopova E



The Keys of Middle-earth: Discovering Medieval Literature Through the Fiction of J. R. R. Tolkien

Lee S, Solopova E

Middle English

Solopova E

Latin Liturgical Psalters in the Bodleian Library: A Select Catalogue

Solopova E

Manuscript Evidence for the Patronage, Ownership and Use of the Wycliffite Bible

Solopova E

The Liturgical Psalter in Medieval Europe

Solopova E

The Gough Map of Great Britain, digital edition and facsimile

Lilly K, Millea N, Vetch P, Solopova E

The Making and Re-making of the Gough Map of Britain: Manuscript Evidence and Historical Context

Solopova E

A Previously Unidentified Extract about the Litany in a Wycliffite Psalter

Solopova E

Before the King James Bible

Solopova E


Solopova E


Solopova E


Solopova E


Solopova E


Solopova E


Solopova E


Solopova E


Solopova E


Solopova E

Alliteration and Prosody in Old and Middle English

Solopova E

Languages, Myths and History: An Introduction to the Linguistic and Literary Background of J.R.R. Tolkien's Fiction

Solopova E

Medieval Psalters in the Gough Collection at the Bodleian Library, Oxford

Solopova E

Key Concepts in Medieval Literature

Solopova E, Lee S

Preliminary material

Robinne F, Sadan M

English Poetry of the Reign of Henry II

Solopova E

Digital Edition of the Index of Middle English Verse

Solopova E, Mooney L

The Keys of Middle-earth: Discovering Medieval Literature through the Fiction of J.R.R. Tolkien

Lee S, Solopova E

The Survival of Chaucer’s Punctuation in the Early Manuscripts of the Canterbury Tales

Solopova E

'Computer-assisted Study of Chaucer's Metre', Medieval English Measures

Solopova E

Electronic Beowulf

Solopova E

General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales on CD-ROM

Solopova E

Layout, Punctuation and Stanza Patterns in Middle English Verse

Solopova E

Editing all Manuscripts of all the Canterbury Tales in Electronic Form: Is it Worthwhile?

Solopova E

Chaucer’s Metre and Scribal Editing in the Early Manuscripts of the Canterbury Tales

Solopova E

The Problem of Authorial Variants in the Wife in Bath’s Prologue

Solopova E

Preliminary Material

Floridi L

The Metre of the Ormulum

Solopova E
Edited by:
Toswell, J, Tyler, E