Dr Stephen Bernard: List of publications

Showing 1 to 31 of 31 publications
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The Correspondence of John Dryden

The Tonson Publishing House and the Eighteenth-Century Book Trade: a Superb Discovery

The Letters of Jacob Tonson in Bodleian MS Eng. lett, c,129

Oxonia Illustrata, Oxonia Depicta: Asserting Power and Identity

The first advertisement for the Spectator

The Bibliographical History of the Spectator, 1712-2018

Paper Cuts a memoir

The Plays and Poems of Nicholas Rowe

Edmond Malone and the Letters of John Dryden: A Newly Discovered Witness of his Projected Second Edition of the Critical and Miscellaneous Prose Works

Why Joseph Knight and Francis Saunders are not the Creators of the English Restoration Canon

The Literary Correspondences of the Tonsons

Establishing a Publishing Dynasty: The Last Wills and Testaments of Jacob Tonson the Elder and Jacob Tonson the Younger

Jacob Tonson the elder as the publisher of classical editions: a proposal for a new edition of Euclid

‘The other Jacob Tonson’

Alexander Pope, Fame Reputation and Advertising

Henry Herringman, Jacob Tonson, and John Dryden: The Creation of the English Literary Publisher

The Literary Correspondences of the Tonsons

The Literary Correspondences of the Tonsons

‘The Kit-Cat Club’

Queen Anne and British Culture, 1702-14: A Special Issue

A Faithful Register of Facts: Giles Jacob and 'An Historical Account of the Lives and Writings of Our most Considerable English Poets' (1720)

Jonathan Swift and A Key, Being Observations and Explanatory Notes, upon the Travels of Lemuel Gulliver (1726), with a new edition of the Key

Edward Bysshe and 'The Art of English Poetry': Reading Writings in the Eighteenth Century

The Tonsons and Gosling's Bank

Eighteenth-Century Life Special Issue: ‘I Remain, &c.’: Addressing the Eighteenth Century Letter

'Tonson's remains': the earliest letters of Jacob Tonson the elder

Eighteenth-Century Life Special Issue: ‘I Remain, &c.’: Addressing the Eighteenth Century Letter

Postscript: "Tonson's Remains": The Earliest Letters of Jacob Tonson the Elder

"Your most affectionate friend and faithful servant, Lau. Echard": Laurence Echard and the Tonsons

A new Brasenose etching

After Defoe, before the Dunciad: Giles Jacob and a vindication of the press