Medical Humanities Summer School 2019


Are you a medical student who is interested in how humanities subjects can help develop your skills? Are you a humanities student who wants to make connections with other disciplines in humanities and sciences? Are you a sixth-former who wants to broaden your intellectual reach?

Medical Humanities
Oxford’s top academics will introduce you to the interface between clinical medicine and narrative, philosophy, law, ethics, gender studies, hierarchies, history (including history of the emotions), art history, theatre (body language; spatial dynamics), theology, management, observation (visual and linguistic), compassion, boundaries (to name but a few) … Come and learn how to think in an integrated way.

In the heart of Oxford: teaching is in Green Templeton College with accommodation across the road in St Anne’s College

14-20 July 2019 (arrive Sunday evening, depart Saturday morning)

Who is eligible?
Undergraduates and year 12-13 school students

How much does it cost?
£1200 (all-inclusive)

We are delighted to announce a special non-residential rate for Oxford University students: £700. This includes coffee, lunch, tea and dinner every day; a final formal banquet; all tuition. Sixth-formers who are local residents may also take advantage of this rate.

How many participants will there be?
The course is limited to 20 participants

Is there financial support?
Five bursaries are available for sixth-formers. If you are a school student and come under one of the following categories, you are eligible for a bursary. The bursary covers the full cost of the week, excluding travel to Oxford.

  • Students eligible for Free School Meals or Pupil Premium
  • Students who are, or have been, a Looked-After Child
  • Students in families with a household income below £18,000
  • Students with no family history of university attendance
  • Black and Minority Ethnic students
  • Students with OFFA, ACORN and POLAR flags (your teachers will know if this applies to you so ask them)

If you would like to apply for a bursary, please include a statement with your application, explaining your criteria.

Who will teach me?
Oxford’s top professors, from the faculties of Medicine, English, History, Philosophy, Business Studies, Theology, Anthropology, Sociology, and Classics, as well as eminent visiting lecturers.

What are the deadlines?
Applications close on 20 March 2019; decisions will be notified by 7 April 2019. Successful applicants will be required to accept or decline their offer by 21 April; a non-refundable deposit of 10% will be required by 28 April, and the balance of payment will be due 2 weeks before the start of the course, on 1 July.

The application deadline for UK students has been extended to 29 April 2019

How do I apply?
Applications are now closed.

Course details
This interdisciplinary course is taught thematically. Each day or half-day is devoted to a specific topic on the connection between the art and the science of medicine: e.g. observation; illness narratives; language and communication; medical ethics; law; ageing; diversity, gender. To see last year’s programme click here.

Teaching is a mixture of lecture-discussion and interactive workshops.

Participants are required to do preparatory reading or viewing from poems, short stories, films, and articles from journals in relevant disciplines.


Students on the 2018 Summer School had this to say:

  ‘inspiring ’… ‘unforgettable’ … ‘stimulating and exciting’ … ‘perspective-changing’

  ‘a mind-opening experience that will stay with me forever’

  ‘a complete introduction to a new field’ 

  ‘intense work but very satisfying’

  ‘a rainbow of collective thoughts’

Application details
You will be asked to submit:
a 1-page CV, listing your education to date;
a personal statement telling us why you’d like to do this course.
You will also need to ask an academic referee to submit a letter in support.

Submit your online application here.

Applications are now closed.