Dr Pelagia Goulimari

Research interests: twentieth- and twenty-first-century fiction and non-fictional prose in English; women’s writing; literary theory and criticism; the modern and the postmodern.

Pelagia’s books include: After Modernism: Women, Gender, Race (2022), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Literary Theory (2022), Love and Vulnerability: Thinking with Pamela Sue Anderson (2020), Women Writing Across Cultures: Present, Past, Future (2017), Literary Criticism and Theory: From Plato to Postcolonialism (2014), Toni Morrison (2009), Postmodernism: What Moment? (2007). 

Forthcoming book: Toni Morrison and Intertextuality: Virginia Woolf, Wole Soyinka, Jackie Kay, Akwaeke Emezi (Routledge).


She is the Editor-in-Chief of Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities (Routledge).


Pelagia’s recent essays include: ‘Holding—Shedding: Akwaeke Emezi’s Freshwater, Toni Morrison’s Beloved, and Celestine Chukwuemeka Mbaegbu’s Igbo Metaphysics’ (2024), ‘Shredding, Burning, Tunnelling: Modernity, Mrs. Dalloway, Sula and my Grandparents circa 1922’ (2022), ‘“Where are you (really) from?” Transgender Ethics, Ethics of Unknowing, and Transformative Adoption in Jackie Kay’s Trumpet and Toni Morrison’s Jazz (2020), ‘Genders (2020), ‘Feminist Theory (2020).


Books (Sole Author)

Literary Criticism and Theory: From Plato to Postcolonialism 

Routledge, 2014. Available in hardback, paperback, and ebook.

Toni Morrison

Routledge, 2011. Available in hardback, paperback, and ebook.


Edited Collections

  • After Modernism: Women, Gender, Race 

Edited collection with editorial introduction and contributing essay

Dual publication:  

Book published by Routledge, forthcoming March 2023.

→ Initially published as a double special issue of Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities 27.3–4 (Aug. 2022):

‘Editorial Introduction: After Modernism: Women, Gender, Race’ (free access, pp. 4–15) 

‘Shredding, Burning, Tunnelling: Modernity, Mrs. Dalloway, Sula and my Grandparents circa 1922’ (free access, pp. 163–81).


  • Love and Vulnerability: Thinking with Pamela Sue Anderson 

Edited collection with editorial introduction

Dual publication: 

Book published by Routledge, 2020.

→ Initially published as a double special issue of Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities 25.1–2 (Feb. 2020):

Foreword & ‘Editorial Introduction: Love and Vulnerability: Thinking with Pamela Sue Anderson’ (free access, pp. 1–7).


  • Women Writing Across Cultures: Present, Past, Future

Edited collection with editorial introduction and contributing essay

Dual publication: 

Book published by Routledge (paperback/ebook May 2019; hardback Sept. 2017)

→ Initially published as a special issue of Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities 22.1 (March 2017): 

‘Editorial Introduction: Women Writing Across Cultures: Present, Past, Future’ 

(free access, pp. 1–10). 

‘Theorizing Closeness: A Trans Feminist Conversation’ (with Talia Bettcher)

(pp. 49–60).


Edited collection with editorial introduction

Manchester University Press (paperback 2011, hardback 2007)

‘Editorial Introduction: Postmodernism. What Moment?’ (pp. 1–13).


  • The Uses of Theory

Edited collection (with Gerard Greenway), with editorial introduction and contributing essay

Angelaki 1.1 (Sept. 1993; new ed. 1995)

‘Inaugural Editorial Statement’ (pp. 5–6). 

‘On the Line of Flight: How to Be a Realist?’ (pp. 11–27). 


Other Articles and Book Chapters

‘“Where are you (really) from?” Transgender Ethics, Ethics of Unknowing, and Transformative Adoption in Jackie Kay’s Trumpet and Toni Morrison’s Jazz in Reading Contemporary Black British and African American Women Writers: Race, Ethics, Narrative Form, eds. Jean Wyatt and Sheldon George (Routledge 2020: pp. 196–214). 

‘“something else to be”: Singularities and Scapegoating Logics in Toni Morrison’s Early Novels’Angelaki 11.2 (2006): 191–204. 

‘“Myriad little connections”: Minoritarian Movements in the Postmodernism Debate’, Postmodern Culture 14.3 (Spring 2004). 

‘A Minoritarian Feminism? Things to Do with Deleuze and Guattari’ in Critical Assessments: Deleuze and Guattari, ed. Gary Genosko, Vol. 3 (Routledge 2000: pp. 1480–503).

Article initially published in Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy 14.2 (Spring 1999): 97–120.  

‘The Victim, the Executioner, and the Saviour: A Modern Triangle’, Textual Practice 13.3 (Winter 1999): 447–63. 


Associate Editor, The Oxford Encyclopedia of Literary Theory

Four volumes with Oxford University Press, published online (2020) and in hardback (2022) 

I am one of four Associate Editors, and have contributed two c. 14,000-word essays:

‘Feminist Theory’ (free access)

In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Literary Theory (November 2020)

‘Genders’ (free access)

In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Literary Theory (March 2020)


Editor-in-Chief, Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities

Established 1993, Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities is an international journal in literary and cultural theory and Continental philosophy published by Routledge, Taylor & Francis. The journal publishes four themed and two open, ‘General’, issues per volume. Angelaki is one of the most accessed of Routledge’s 200+ arts and humanities journals, exceeding 100,000 full-text downloads and 2500 libraries in 2022.

Angelaki was named ‘Best New Journal’ by the Council of Editors of Learned Journals (MLA Convention, Washington, DC, December 1996). Angelaki appears in the Arts and Humanities Citation Index and has been ranked A* in the literature category in the European Reference Index for Humanities of the European Science Foundation (‘High-ranking international publication with a very strong reputation among researchers of the field in different countries regularly cited all over the world’). 

The journal has published approaching 2000 articles, including work by: Alain Badiou, Jean Baudrillard, Andrew Benjamin, Homi K. Bhabha, Leslie Anne Boldt-Irons, Alain Caillé, Barbara Cassin, Howard Caygill, Monique David-Menard, Gilles Deleuze, Jacques Derrida, Costas Douzinas, Alexander García Düttmann, Michèle Le Doeuff, Mike Gane, Lawrence Grossberg, Félix Guattari, Donna Haraway, Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, Ihab Hassan, Leslie Hill, Peggy Kamuf, John Kinsella, Friedrich Kittler, Arthur and Marilouise Kroker, Douglas Kellner, Jacques Lacan, Ernesto Laclau, Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe, Jean-Luc Nancy, John O’Neill, Jacques Rancière, Nicholas Rand, Bill Readings, Leonard Rosmarin, Nicholas Royle, Stella Sandford, Michel Serres, Paul Virilio, Robyn Wiegman, Robert Young, Slavoj Žižek.

In addition to the edited collections listed above, I edited the following General Issues:

Angelaki 11.2, General Issue 2006 (Nov. 2006) with Editorial Introduction


Angelaki 10.3, General Issue 2005 (Dec. 2005) with Editorial Introduction


Angelaki 9.3, General Issue 2004 (Dec. 2004) with Editorial Introduction


Angelaki 8.3, General Issue II 2003 (Dec. 2003) with Editorial Introduction


Angelaki 8.1, General Issue I 2003 (Mar. 2003) with Editorial Introduction


Angelaki 7.3, General Issue 2002 (Dec. 2002) with Editorial Introduction


Angelaki 6.3, General Issue 2001 (Dec. 2001) with Editorial Introduction


Angelaki 5.3, General Issue 2000 (Dec. 2000) with Editorial Introduction


Angelaki 4.3, General Issue 1999 (Dec. 1999) with Editorial Introduction


Angelaki 3.3, General Issue 1998 (Dec. 1998) with Editorial Introduction 

Literature in English from 1740 to present day; Introduction to Literary Studies; women’s writing; literary theory and criticism; feminist writing and theory.